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4th Iranian Conference on Computational Geometry
(ICCG 2021)

February 18, 2021, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

Registration form
Online Session Link Adobe Connect Guide

The 4th Iranian Conference on Computational Geometry (ICCG) will be held on February 18, 2021 at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, at Yazd University, Yazd (listed as world heritage in UNESCO), Iran. ICCG is an annual conference whose goal is to bring together students and researchers from academia and industry, in order to promote research in the fields of combinatorial and computational geometry.

Important dates:

Submission deadline:

November 12, 2020
November 27, 2020

Acceptance notification:

December 12, 2020
December 20, 2020


February 18, 2021

In order to facilitate more people to contribute to the conference, there will be an online session such that the authors can present their paper online. However, because of the COVID-19 situation, the whole conference may be held virtually.

Invited Speaker:


General Chair:

  • Mohammad Farshi, Yazd University

Program Committee:

  • Mohammad Ali Abam, Sharif University of Technology
  • Hugo Akitaya, Carleton University
  • Elena Arseneva, St. Petersburg State University
  • Fatemeh Baharifard, IPM
  • Therese Biedl, University of Waterloo
  • Ahmad Biniaz, University of Windsor (co-chair)
  • Mark de Berg, Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Stephane Durocher, University of Manitoba
  • Amin Gheibi, Amirkabir University of Technology
  • Mahdieh Hasheminezhad, Yazd University
  • Shahin Kamali, University of Manitoba
  • Wolfgang Mulzer, Freie Universitat Berlin
  • Zahed Rahmati, Amirkabir University of Technology
  • Don Sheehy, North Carolina State University
  • Michiel Smid, Carleton University
  • Andre van Renssen, The University of Sydney
  • Alireza Zarei, Sharif University of Technology
  • Hamid Zarrabi-Zadeh, Sharif University of Technology (co-chair)

Submission Guidelines:

ICCG does not have formally reviewed proceedings. The results presented at ICCG could also be submitted to peer-reviewed conferences and/or journals. Papers that have been just submitted to other peer-reviewed events, conferences, or journals are eligible to be presented at ICCG.
We invite authors to submit their research works as extended abstracts that should not exceed four pages, and must be prepared with LaTeX, using our ICCG 2021 LaTeX template. The submission must be submitted through EasyChair


Registration is free. However, all researchers with/without registration are welcome to participate in the conference. But the certificate will be given only to registered participants.

Registration Form


Note that because of the COVID-19 situation, the whole conference will be held virtually. The talks will be given online using Adobe Connect.
The participants should have the Adobe Connects Add-in on their device. You can download installation guide from here:

Download Adobe Connect Installation Guide





Video (Playback)

13:45 10:15 Welcome (General Chair)



Christiane Schmidt

Guarding Polyominoes under k-Hop Visibility or Minimum k-Dominating Sets in Grid Graphs

Presentation Video



Azadeh Tabatabaei, Mohammad Aletaha, Fardin Shapouri and Mohammad Ghodsi

Watchman Routes under Incidence Visibility Constraint in Convex Polygons

Presentation Video



Mohammad Aletaha, Arash Vaezi, Mohammad Abouei Mehrizi and Mohammad Ghodsi

Simple Robot Free-Target Search in Rectilinear Streets

Presentation Video



Hamidreza Keikha, Vahideh Keikha and Ali Mohades

Efficient Algorithms for the k-colored Rainbow Sets

Presentation Video






Davood Bakhshesh and Mohammad Farshi

A lower bound on the stretch factor of Yao graph Y_4

Presentation Video



Mohammad Ali Abam and Mohammad Sadegh Borouny

Local geometric spanners for points in convex position

Presentation Video



Abolfazl Poureidi and Mohammad Farshi

Spanners on imprecise points

Presentation Video



Hugo Akitaya, Ahmad Biniaz and Prosenjit Bose

On the Spanning Ratio of the Directed Theta_6-Graph

Presentation Video



Hugo Akitaya, Ahmad Biniaz, Prosenjit Bose, Jean-Lou De Carufel, Anil Maheshwari, Luis Fernando Schultz Xavier da Silveira and Michiel Smid

The Minimum Moving Spanning Tree Problem

Presentation Video






Sergey Bereg and Mohammadreza Haghpanah

Exploring the OT-graphs



Ahmad Biniaz

A short proof of the non-biplanarity of K_9

Presentation Video



Anil Maheshwari

Spanning Trees in Geometric Graphs Presentation Video

List of accepted papers:

  • Hamidreza Keikha, Vahideh Keikha and Ali Mohades. Efficient Algorithms for the k-colored Rainbow Sets
  • Ahmad Biniaz. A short proof of the non-biplanarity of K_9
  • Sergey Bereg and Mohammadreza Haghpanah. Exploring the OT-graphs
  • Hugo Akitaya, Ahmad Biniaz, Prosenjit Bose, Jean-Lou De Carufel, Anil Maheshwari, Luis Fernando Schultz Xavier da Silveira and Michiel Smid. The Minimum Moving Spanning Tree Problem
  • Abolfazl Poureidi and Mohammad Farshi. Spanners on imprecise points
  • Davood Bakhshesh and Mohammad Farshi. A lower bound on the stretch factor of Yao graph Y_4
  • Christiane Schmidt. Guarding Polyominoes under k-Hop Visibility or Minimum k-Dominating Sets in Grid Graphs
  • Hugo Akitaya, Ahmad Biniaz and Prosenjit Bose. On the Spanning Ratio of the Directed Theta_6-Graph
  • Mohammad Ali Abam and Mohammad Sadegh Borouny. Local geometric spanners for points in convex position
  • Mohammad Aletaha, Arash Vaezi, Mohammad Abouei Mehrizi and Mohammad Ghodsi. Simple Robot Free-Target Search in Rectilinear Streets
  • Azadeh Tabatabaei, Mohammad Aletaha, Fardin Shapouri and Mohammad Ghodsi. Watchman Routes under Incidence Visibility Constraint in Convex Polygons
  • Download Proceedings


    Topics to be covered are all aspects of computational geometry, (but are not limited to) including:

    • Algorithmic methods in geometry

    • Experimental studies of geometric algorithms

    • Geometric modeling, visualization and simulation

    • Combinatorial optimization

    • Computational biology and geometric computations

    • Computer-aided design

    • Computer vision

    • Graph drawing

    • Geographic information systems

    • Robotics